Some of the sites I frequent...


  • all
  • Articles
  • Bugtober
  • Coding
  • Comic
  • People Management
  • Project Management
  • Tech
Office Use Only
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He's been stealing the office snacks too!

Date Slip
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No project is so far behind that you should chokey grip someone to death.

Faustian Bargain

What price have you paid?

Minion Market

That was the only guy on the team that understood half their systems...

While You Were Away

I swear I knew a guy who had a desk with this going on long before the pandemic.

Meeting of Elrond

Even in our fantasies, meetings still exist.

Managing Others
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Before you can manage others, first learn to manage yourself.

Post-Covid Collaboration

Real estate isn't getting any cheaper...

Substitute Manager

Whoohoo! No work today!

Greg’s Changed
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He must have seen some shit.

Now Firing

Team performance is headed straight up!

Promotion Aspirations

Get promoted.

Want to Play?

Inspired by my son whom I caught having this very conversation.


Wait, what were they going to cut?!

Feedback Requested

Did you know that feedback requests often hunt in packs?

Remind Me of Myself

Resist the bias to hire or mentor people that remind you of yourself — not only will others miss out, but YOU will miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow from other's fresh perspectives!

Extreme Anchoring

What we often consider 'fair' basically comes down to our expectations or initial reference points

Fair Punishment

Are you a morning person?

Guess Your Pay
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Imagine a world where you knew the pay ranges for job postings BEFORE you applied, phone screened, and interviewed...


Don't want others to get defensive? Consider being less threatening.

Ergonomic Keyboard

Instantly removes the pain in your ass!

Office Masseuse

How do I get one?

Life Coach

This coach changed my life.

Candy Trail
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So that's where all the leftover Halloween candy went.

Strengths and Weaknesses
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Crushed that interview tho.

Bob’s Turkey Farm

They mostly get paid in stock options.

Sprint Isn’t Over

We've still got time...

Brilliant Monday

Have you ever considered it?

Phone Distraction

Am I the only person that has done this?

Look at That (Bugtober)

And that's a wrap for Bugtober! Whew!

Post Launch Bugs (Bugtober)

We made this comic months ago but it ended up feeling pretty timely for me!

Never Launch on Friday (Bugtober)

I think by now we all know not to do this, right? RIGHT?!

New Job, Old Problems

It's also a blessing — having solved a problem once you're in a great position to help your next team out!

Bug Burndown (Bugtober)
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Great progress everyone!

Manager in the Trenches – Part 4 (Bugtober)

Don't do this.

Reproduction Steps (Bugtober)

I'm... sorry for this one.

Contributing to Safety (Bugtober)

This guy gets it.

Manager in the Trenches – Part 3 (Bugtober)

No way I'm gonna remember this...

Looks Good to Me
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I found a bug.

Manager in the Trenches – Part 2 (Bugtober)

You can do it team! I just know you can!

Looking for a Challenge (Bugtober)

I want growth opportunities but not THIS opportunity.

Engineering Hours (Bugtober)

Quality is important.

They Found the Internet

How long before they're calling each other Hitler?

Just an Artist (Bugtober)

Manager in the Trenches – Part 1 (Bugtober)

Mind if I get an update real quick?

Obstacle Course (Bugtober)
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It sometimes feels like this.

Bug Severity (Bugtober)

I'm sure it'll be fine...

Automated Testing (Bugtober)

We'll just run the testing suite quick, shouldn't be too bad...

The Ancient Place (Bugtober)
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We'll get to that later.

Working Remote
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Gonna binge work some Netflix tonight.